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This page will cover topics related to different perspectives and developments
associated with Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Change of a TVET system by applying Fick's model of diffusion
- An AI Learning Journey - 14 January 2025

My first learning journey with the AI application ChatGDP and Gemini. I was curious to find out the relates and elaborations on the chosen topic (prompt) and also visualised them by myself. I was not only interested in simply answering the question, but also in finding out which interpretation and structure is used by the AI applications.
The entire documentation contains three pages and can be downloaded.

After my attention was drawn to another source for writings on the development of TVET (Thanks, Bernd!), I present here a visualized summary.

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Digital Competences of TVET Teachers
TVET and Artificial Intelligence
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In its first report, the project "Improving skills and competences of VET teachers and trainers in the age of Artificial Intelligence" a summary on current research and practical activities on the application of AI in TVET is provided. Further it attempts to provide an outlook on future fields of actions for continuing the application of AI-based solutions for the provision of future TVET.
A first important take away from the research addresses the so-called bifurcation hypothesis: This hypothesis was formulated by researchers to describe the impacts of AI on future jobs and skill sets.It concludes, that the World of Work will change by different development paths: On the one side an increasing demand for higher skilled workers is expected, while on the other side a rapid decline in job opportunities for middle skilled workers is predicted ("Hollowing Out" of the Labour Market).
Recent research findings are questioning this hypothesis and reveal that the impact of AI in the World of Work differs according to the factors investigated (wages, gender, sectors, etc.).
Consequently the adaptation by TVET is variable in the participating EU member states. In some countries the focus is been set on enhancing soft skills (with the focus on customer-contact), while in other countries curricula are extended by integration of AI-based operations in manufacturing and engineering (mechatronics forms here the spearhead).
Comment: AI and TVET are currently at an initial starting point and the further development will be exciting. 
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